Target Prediction
TargetRNA2 is a web server that identifies mRNA targets of sRNA regulatory action in bacteria. As input, TargetRNA2 takes the sequence of an sRNA and the name of a sequenced bacterial replicon. When searching for targets of RNA regulation, TargetRNA2 uses a variety of features, including conservation of the sRNA in other bacteria, the secondary structure of the sRNA, the secondary structure of each candidate mRNA target and the hybridization energy between the sRNA and each candidate mRNA target.
Homepage: Link
Last Software Update: July 1, 2014
Publication Date: April 21, 2014
Citations: 96 [via Pubmed]
Organism Specific:
Reference Genome Needed:
Installation/User Level: easy
User Adjustability:
User support:
Precomputed Target Results Available For Download:
Performance : Sensitivity: 48%, FPR: 0.37%