All the tools you need to analyse your miRNAs


Target Prediction

miRTar2GO is a method that predicts miRNA targets by allocating CLIPed regions of the mRNA 3' UTRs to miRNA seed regions.

Homepage: Link

Publication Date: April 7, 2017
Citations: 4 [via Pubmed]

Organism Specific:
  • human

  • Reference Genome Needed:
    Online/Local: /
    Installation/User Level: easy
    User Adjustability:
    User support:
    Precomputed Target Results Available For Download:
    Input Data Required:
  • miRNA
  • Target mRNA ReF Seq or gene name
  • miRNA sequence

  • Cross-Refferences:
  • MiRBase
  • RNAcoFold Web Server
  • Tarbase
  • miRDB
  • miRGator
  • miRGen
  • miRNAMap
  • Vir-Mir
  • ViTa
  • Reactome
  • KEGG
  • BioCarta
  • Nci-Nature
  • hiPathDB

  • Target Prediction
    Algorithm Features:
  • seed match
  • site accessibility
  • mRNA differential expression

  • Target Region: 3'UTR
    Target Annotation:
    NGS Data Needed:

    Comments & Ratings